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Challenges of corporate leadership in finance departments

In this e-paper we address the main challenges that every corporate leader must take into account in their organisation. We focus on the importance of corporate control over subsidiary processes, in order to achieve results that adequately return the capital invested and that the company achieves its strategic objectives.

Control of financial processes is of paramount importance. It is impossible to control something as fundamental to the company as cash flows if each subsidiary operates in a different way, with a different methodology and with different tools. For this reason, in this e-paper we provide you with different corporate tools that will help you to lead the financial area of your corporation successfully.

Through this whitepaper, you will be able to:

Lead the financial department in the Order to Cash process.

Implement comprehensive policies for all the organisation's subsidiaries.

Learn about tools to homogenise your corporate governance.

Discover the importance of comparable indicators between business units.

Centralise corporate control in the financial department and its impact on the corporation's profits.

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